Friday, February 5, 2010



I think i'm gonna make my blog all in html.. No compose mode needed.

See if i still got my html skills. Pretty basic stuff though

If any of these codes mess up, then oh well. I'm leaving the codes out for you too see.

like a failure i'll type on purpose


wait.. salty..

the real fail

OMG. it autocorrects it.. w/e..

if you find this... your a genius


Bang Bang...

This is a true flow. Exactly what I'm thinking right now.

February 5, 2010 1:42 P.M.


In History watchin some stuff yooo.
And then I was like yooo.
I feel like blogging.

My blog is so sloppy and more.. I should delete that jawn.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thank you, thank you..

I thank my 49 followers.
It'd be amazing if I could get one more though.
So, if you'd like send them this link and ask them too follow! :)


Hasn't this blog just become the most cruel, dark, informal piece of literature
on the web.
Sure has. Caps are back; correct English is back. All that good stuff this blog used to contain.
I won't delete my old posts. They're old. They happened. I'll let them live.
Everything deserves a chance or should I say second chance or EVEN third chance.
Depending on what that thing is and if the person/thing that has committed it
regrets it, did it accidently, or anything. Personal preference, actually.
I don't even know "wtf" I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure that sentence I just typed
made absolutely no sense, whatsoever.
My format on this post is crap.
Sorry, yo.


One day..

In Fairmount...

"Yoo, lets go to McDonalds bitch, I'm hungry as shit."
"Uh, there are no McDonalds in Fairmount."
"WHAT THE FUCK YO! Theres like a McDonalds every 3 blocks in every city. BITCH, where the big macs at!!!!!"

^ not word for word though, of course.

crazy bitch

Friday, January 15, 2010

lonely yo



"I'll be the person too give you advice, but fuck up my own life."
-Blase B.


almost the end of the week.
yeah.. my stomach feels twisted
im not sure ppl read this jawn yo

if you do drop a comment.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

i thought..

i thought guys don't cry


naw, yo.
that don't exist.
nothings forever.
at least if you fuck it all up.

"if you had her, you can get her back"
^ blase.
my theory.
will it work.
idk yo

back to this shit

damn. its been a while
all the below posts without pix.
have been posted all tonight.
i missed this shit.
kinda not really though.
i was gettin tired of uploadin those pix and shit every single day
too have like 2 people read my blog.
whatever though.
im back @ it.
i might move to tumblr.
prob not.

deeep post comin up

no going back..

thats it.
the end of the line.
just like that.

guys, be smart.

losing something..

losing something/someone that really means a lot to you
happens too all of us, doesn't it?

yeah, it did to me.
"You don't realize what you got, 'til it's gone."

boom. just like that. gone.
i'm baffled at the next step in life. because i never wanted to have this step.
i wanted to remain on the step i was at. not go back nor advance.
but, im at where im @..
i'll work to advance. we;ll see. who knows.
i feel like this lack of punctuation
and capitalization
deeper message.
the sadnesss i have.

i have nothing left

i have nothing left but to blog.
i'll be blogging everyday.
most likey, often without capital letters..
it goes along to match my mood.
so yeah. whatever.
this blogs about to get dark