So, I went to school.
Watched some Spanish videos of my fellow classmates. ;)
Then, got invited to the Greenworks Conference meeting by my Engineering teacher, VK.
Along with some other students in my school.
I shook Mayor Nutter's hand and learned about his plans for making Philadelphia "greener."
Got some free goodies! ;)
Then, came back to school and went to Engineering class.
Tariq and I's (does that make sense?) generator failed along with the whole class but we are now fixing it because the due date has been extended to Monday.
After that, I ate some lunch and then went to the ILP Expo for the SLA Freshmen! whoot! 2012!
ILP= Individualized Learning Plan (like a job on Wednesdays)
I checked out Wireless Philadelphia and a graphical artist course at Drexel.
Everything looked pretty cool and I have a little debating to do because I'm not 100 % sure
what I want.
Then, the SLA Track, Softball, and Soccer teams left "haha" for different games/meet.
SLA Track did pretty good, we raced at South Philadelphia High School's new track.
We all did good, I did the 400 M and got 1:03 which was pretty good. That's a 1/4 mile, I got in place 3 of 6.
SLA Track went out with a bang! GOOD JOB!
Now, for some pizza.