Yesterday had to be the most "dumbass" day of the year.
After school, me, kern, ian, jason, and tariq went to Ian's house.
What happened:
1. We started shooting BB Guns while standing on the cover of Ian's hot-tub.
2. Seconds later it collapsed and we all dodged falling into the murky waters.
3. All Ian's BBs fell into the water.
4. Kern "sifted" them out with a pasta strainer.
5. Tariq took Jason hostage with a BB gun and scared the *shit* outta him. Kern left.
6. We went for pizza, I bought.
7. Jason used the word "prolong" and Tariq and I argued with him for hours.
8. We got back to Ian's and chillaxed and Tariq and Jason got ready to leave.
9. We all walked to the trolley stop near school.
10. IAN AND I WENT into the PORN SHOP.
11. We quickly ran out after a singing man started coming towards us.
12. Jason and Tariq joined us when we went in the 2nd time and we quickly ran out because a big man was coming down the steps.
13. Tariq and Jason left and I played "ding-dong-ditch" on multiple houses.
14. Ian sliced my arm 4 times with a transpass.
15. I left.
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