Monday, March 30, 2009


Soooooo, we were sitting in BioChem and I started spamming Ian by
randomly sending him messages. But, he didn't check them, so I was like,
"Ian, check your iChat." He went to the dock and noticed it was on like 100.
So, I said lets all SPAM him and see how high we can get. So, Tariq
and Ali joined in with me and we got all the way up to a little past 3,000
unread instant messages. Eventually, we got tired of constantly pressing Command V and
enter so we took a pic for proof. First time it's been done. Yunnooo it.
You mad, You mad.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


life to the fullest.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

about time...

everyday I go to check my facebook
and i go to safari and type in fac and just press enter
well sometimes it brings me to
well, this was a website that was in development everytime i did this.
Well, today i typed it in by accident
and its actually a site.
(it looks kinda' cool)

*fixed hyperlink to face site due to Ian. who is a peasent 100%*

Monday, March 23, 2009

that's deep.

track meet was cool,
girls relay..LOOKIN' good! haha, nice job.
mens, cool cool.
haha, all the long sprinters killed it ;)
i have a story.
if you'll iM me!


Saturday, March 21, 2009


"We all want something in life, that we'll just never get."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

what i'm doing..

So, I have been assigned as a long sprinter for my H.S. track team
and I'm looking forward to our first meet on Monday, which
is soooo soon. I'm sure I'll be extra nervous.
But we've been training for weeks, so it's all good.
Anyways, the new iPhone firmware is coming out (3.0)
and it's promising some pretty cool stuff.
I'm an Apple Developer and it really appeals to me
in views of how it could help me.
There is a video explaining some stuff which is pretty cool
link is here


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


1st meet's coming up.


Monday, March 16, 2009


I have tonsss of things I'd like to write about..
But I think I'm going to choose..WOW. I just blanked.
UHM. Well this wasn't on my mind.
But. iPod Touch 2g is NOW able to be Jailbroken.
So, you need help talk to me!

Also, I can but the iPhone on any carrier. teachers..


Thursday, March 12, 2009


For Benchmark Season Is Almost Over
With The Addition Of Q3.
Gained Mucho EU.
While Stressing What To Do!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


ankles feel horrendous.
anyways, just finishing up
all these BM's. I think because
Q3 was so short, everything was
just crammed, and thrown right on us.
Unless........ I just didn't do anything.
But I did.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


a little busy tonight.
Look for some funny stories about Apple VS. MAN
and Developers VS. Pirates

Monday, March 9, 2009


ahhh, so many BM's.
be back whenever.
watch my status like a hawk.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


^if that's how you spell it.

Anyways, so y'all recall reading about the top row of my keyboard
not working on my iPhone. Well I did some research and read that
it could either be a hardware problem or software problem. So,
to check it wasn't a software problem, I restored it. Yep,
got it off T-Mobile and back to the same useless brick without a AT&T
plan. So, I figured ahhhh I just updated it 2.2 so I'll just use
PwnageTool or QuickPwn to get it back on T-Mobile and jailbroken,
blah blah. Well QuickPwn didn't work because it supposedly didn't support
the firmware on my iPhone...
pretty weird. So, I scratched that and used PwnageTool. I
worked ALL DAY trying to restore a custom firmware but I kept getting errors in
iTunes. I was getting really frustrated. Eventually I tried doing it on the latest firmware
and it worked.

But, I lost all my 3rd party apps via Cydia and still have a spot that doesn't work.
AH, great. iPhones and skiing. >:-|


Wednesday, March 4, 2009



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

its late

2 buses were packed and noone
could get on?
i'm finally settling down.
SEPTA: E pazzo!

Monday, March 2, 2009


I went skiing with my iPhone in my chest pocket.
Maybe..not a good idea.
Anyways, my iPhone is unresponsive in one part of the screen.
And right there it happens to be the top row of my keyboard.
And all I do is text, SO I think I need a new screen =/
It might be free and take only minutes. But who knows,
if they'll spaz about it being jailbroken since that is illegal.
Wish me luck!
